The Orthodontics Center of NYC, located on the Upper East Side in Manhattan, is at the forefront of orthodontic treatment modalities for patients with craniofacial anomalies. We are passionate about this sub-specialty and offer the safest most contemporary state-of-the-art treatments. Craniofacial orthodontics focuses on the multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary treatment of patients with any congenital or acquired facial anomalies. We offer craniofacial orthodontic consultations.
- Our best in class NYC orthodontists will work with a team comprised of speech pathologists, oral surgeons, and craniofacial plastic surgeons in planning treatment to correct cleft lip and palate, as well as other jaw and face abnormalities.
- Craniofacial orthodontics specializes in treating patients with congenital or acquired deformities of the face and jaw, as well as patients with special needs, and with patients who are battling diseases or have facial or speech irregularities due to a traumatic accident.
- Whether the need for craniofacial orthodontics is acquired or developed, our treatments offer life-altering physical, cosmetic and immeasurable psycho-social benefits.
Our craniofacial orthodontists plan and carry out treatments to help correct problems with the bite, speech or position of the teeth and jaws in addition to aiding to correct:
- Apert’s syndrome
- Craniosynostosis
- Clenching and grinding of teeth
- Cleidocranial dysostosis
- Cleft Palate
- Crouzon’s Syndrome
- Developmental delays such as childhood learning problems due to decreased blood flow to the brain
- Difficulty eating
- Ear problems (ringing or humming sounds in the ears, decreased hearing ability)
- Facial asymmetries
- Headaches (including migraines)
- Hemifacial microsomia
- Pierre-Robin sequence
- Poor sleep patterns
- Post-traumatic facial injuries
- Stickler’s syndrome
- Speech difficulties
- Treacher-Collins syndrome
- Van der Woude syndrome
The Orthodontics Center of NYC specializes in taking exceptional care of each orthodontic patient. The honor and privilege of caring for our patients come with the responsibility and dedication from our best in class orthodontists and our staff to adhere to the utmost standards of excellence in orthodontic patient care. As top-rated, best in class orthodontists, we provide highly personalized and comprehensive care. If you have any questions or would like to schedule an orthodontic consultation please feel free to contact our Upper East Side (Manhattan, NY) orthodontic practice for a craniofacial consultation:
Orthodontics Center of NYC
263 West End Ave, Floor 1
New York, NY 10023
(646) 491-7133